0 Animals, Offbeat 53 Insane Animal Hybrids We Wish Were Real Have you ever wondered what a frog and a shark would look like if you crossed them together? I guess it doesn't really matter, because...
0 Offbeat, Redneck The 10 Hottest Southern Pornstars of All Time It's pretty much fact that southern girls will always be the cutest, so why not take a look into the hottest southern pornstars of all...
0 Funny, Offbeat 17 People Who Parked Like A Jerk And Got Owned If you're like me, then seeing someone park like an idiot really gets your blood boiling. I mean how hard is it to just pull...
0 Funny, Offbeat 43 Ridiculously Funny And Offensive Church Signs It's true that Christians are sometimes easily offended, but these funny church signs prove even ministers can have a twisted sense of humor. Why wasn't...
0 Offbeat, Videos This Real Life Grand Theft Auto V Parody Is Too Good For Words In the last few years, video games and real life have blended together in a way that one had ever imagined possible. Hell, my old...