What do DMX, Larry David, and Bruce Willis have in common? They’re all bald celebrities, and they’ll all creep you out if you have peladophobia. Peladophobia is the fear of bald people or going bald, the latter of which usually only applies to men. As goofy as it sounds, symptoms of peladophobia can include anxiety and shortness of breath, usually triggered by seeing a bald person.
Do you think you have peladophobia? There’s only one way to find out for sure. Scroll down and check out the most famous bald people alive today, and see if they make you feel uncomfortable.
1. Larry David
2. Anderson Silva
3. DMX
4. Seal
5. Dr. Phil
6. Michael Jordan
7. Common
8. Bruce Willis
9. The Rock
10. Ben Kingsley
11. Jason Alexander
12. Jason Statham
13. Mike Tyson
14. Dave Chappelle
15. Patrick Stewart
16. Rob Corddry
17. Samuel L. Jackson
18. Steve Austin
19. Sean Connery
20. Vin Diesel
21. Charles Barkley
So what’s the verdict? Do you think you have peladophobia? Or do you maybe just not prefer the look of a clean shaven head a whole lot? Let us know what you think in the comments below. If you like learning about different phobias, check out our photo galleries for other crazy phobias like thalassophobia, scopophobia, and coulrophobia.