If the Internet has taught us anything, it’s that people have way too much time on their hands. Here are 50 incredible Donald Trump photoshops, taken from different threads on the Reddit board known as /r/photoshopbattles. Basically, someone will find a picture, post the original, and other users will photoshop it. Below we have posted the original picture that has been untouched, and then the funny Donald Trump photoshop that has been edited to some humorous degree.
What is your favorite photoshop of President Donald Trump? We did not create this page to insult the President-elect, they’re just pretty funny images that anyone can laugh at, regardless of political beliefs.
1. The Original- Trump at the Podium

Taste the Rainbow

Mouths For Eyes

Trumph Sauce
Trump the Psychic
Jurassic Park

Trump the Sunflower
Trump’s Labyrinth
2. The Original- Trump Meeting Little Miss Flint, Michigan

Getting the Vince McMahon Treatment

Freaky Bird Heads
Going to the Sarlacc Pit
Little Princess Trump

Guess Where You’re Going Little Girl?

That’s My Tiara President Trump!

Princess Obama Is Not Pleased
Ssh Ssh Sssshhh
Trust Me, I’m the President!
3. The Original- Trump During the Republican Primaries

Donald the Trump

American Christmas Story
Trying to Get Some Street Cred

Trump’s New Plan for Sex Ed
Portal Nose Picking
Rocking Out Trump Style
It Lives!!!
Screw You Guys
Teaching Some Yoga Trump Style
Thug Life
4. The Original- Trump Embracing His Daughter Ivanka

Somebody Likes to Watch

Coming to French Theaters Soon
Donald Claims Another Victim
Every Man’s Fantasy
Who Knew Trump Was an Anime Nerd?
His Ultimate Dream
..And His Ultimate Nightmare. Cough Cough!
5. The Original- Angry Trump

Where’d My Nose Go?!

Mutated Trump

Going For the Shaved Head Look
Breaking Trump
Trump You’ve Got a Boogey
Breaking News!
Come to the Dark Side
6. The Original- Trump and Pence Awkwardly Kissing

Sucking Him Into the Vortex

Some Bi-Partisan Love
Lady and the Trump
Pop Some Tic-Tacs
He Loves His Country!
Trump the Sax Man
MAGA-Mar(Pokemon Fans Will Get It)
Give Yourself a Kiss