Have you ever wondered what a frog and a shark would look like if you crossed them together? I guess it doesn’t really matter, because you’re about to find out either way. Here are 53 fake animal hybrids that are sure to freak you out. This list showcases the best animal combinations we’ve ever seen, with funny and terrifying results.There are shrimparoos, owlves, and even a carrow. Don’t know what any of those are? Scroll down and find out!
1. Kangareindeer (Kangaroo + Reindeer)
2. Guinea Lion (Guinea Pig + Lion)
3. Shrimparoo (Shrimp + Kangaroo)
4. Pitsnap (Pit Bull + Snapping Turtle)
5. Tarantowla (Tarantula + Owl)
6. Owlves (Owl + Wolf)
7. Snuck (Snail + Duck)
8. Kangarooster (Kangaroo + Rooster)
9. Praying Mantalope (Mantis + Antelope)
10. Spug (Seel + Pug)
11. Sealant (Sea Lion + Ant)
12. Squigeon (Squirrel + Pigeon)
13. Orangoatang (Goat + Orangutan)
14. Squirrelx (Fox + Squirrel)
15. Dark (Dog + Shark)
16. Komdo Pugan (Komodo Dragon + Pug)
17. Killer Penguin (Killer Whale + Penguin)
18. Frark (Frog + Shark)
19. Snapping Turkey (Snapping Turtle + Turkey)
20. Jaguardile (Jaguar + Crocodile)
21. Fraligator (Frog + Alligator)
22. Bobmunk (Bobcat + Chipmunk)
23. Pork-upine (Pig + Porcupine)
24. Carrow (Cat + Sparrow)
25. Rhinophant (Rhino + Elephant)
26. Crocobear (Crocodile + Bear)

27. Goth (Goat + Moth)
28. Crocopotamus (Crocodile + Hippo)

29. Guinea Pig (Pig + Guinea Pig)
30. Koaowl (Koala + Owl)

31. Octophant (Octopus + Elephant)
32. Hawkcat (Hawk + Cat)
33. Vulturine (Vulture + Wolverine)
34. Swarco (Swallow + Orca)
35. Ladypug (Ladybug + Pug)
36. Koalacat (Koala + Cat)
37. Ostricamel (Ostrich + Camel)
38. Chamelophin (Chameleon + Dolphin)
39. Toucquirrel (Toucan + Squirrel)
40. Tigerawk (Tiger + Hawk)
41. Goatranchula (Goat + Tarantula)
42. Bark (Bear + Shark)
43. Pandowl (Panda + Owl)
44. Hummingbear (Humming Bird + Bear)
45. Sharkapotamus
46. Lionguin (Lion + Penguin)
47. Boala (Bee + Koala)
48. Giraffing Mantis (Giraffe + Praying Mantis)
49. Dowlphin (Dolphin + Owl)
50. Grizzlybee (Grizzly Bear + Bee)
51. Sharkgull (Shark + Seagull)
52. The Frogopatamus (Frog + Hippo)
53. Chark (Cat + Shark)
Are those freaky or what? Check out the subreddit HybridAnimals for more crazy hybrids, they’re a very active community and have some crazy talented photoshop artists who contribute regularly to the sub. What two animals would you combine if you could? Let us know in the comments below.